英文名称:Witch Hazel Extract
学 名: Hamamelis mollis/ Chinese Witchhazel
别 名:木里香、牛踏果 忍冬花
规格: 单宁≥10%,10:1,20:1 或根据客户需要定制。
金缕梅具保湿及嫩白作用。促进淋巴血液循环,专门克服早晨眼脬和黑眼圈。具有镇静、安抚的效果,对粉刺有改善效果。可有效帮助肌肤夜间的再生能力。去除眼 袋、放松以及缓和对於油性肌肤或是过敏的肌肤都有很优异的效果。有舒缓,收敛,抗菌的效果,因有收敛控油、杀菌的显著疗效,对於青春期少年或是出油状况较 严重的皮肤,是不二选择。金缕梅的使用可以追溯到好几百年前。它有深层清洁的功效可使肌肤抗老。在化妆品中,用来消炎用,能缓和受刺激的皮肤。不会造成皮 肤乾燥,且具愈合伤口的功效。同时它也有对抗自由基的作用金缕梅的收敛效果跟去除眼袋效果让人相当喜欢。金缕梅的放松以及缓和对於油性肌肤或是过敏的肌肤 都有很优异的效果。能收敛毛孔、补湿、静肌作用。作更深层的洁净,使皮肤更加幼滑亮丽。精华则具有调节油脂分泌、保湿及净白作用。
金缕梅具收敛、镇定皮肤的效果,油皮是可以用的,而且是油皮用最好。迅速渗入皮肤,由内而外全面调节肌肤,平衡皮肤PH值及油脂分泌,净化毛孔,修复受 损的肌肤,有效调节舒张的毛孔,明显收敛粗毛孔,防止黑头、粉刺产生,使肌肤快速呈现细腻、光滑、紧致状态。特别对于如去痘、去油效果显著。
Latin name:Semen Cucurbitae
English name:Witch hazel extract
Extracted part: Root
Active ingredient : Tannins, flavonoids such as kaempferol,quercetin, quercitrin, and isoquercitrin, volatile oil
Specification : 10:1 20:1(%)
CAS No.: 84696-19-5
Appearance : brown yellow fine powder
Odor: Characteristic
Taste: Characteristic
Extract Ratio: 20:1
A,witch hazel is the tannin; this acid has very high antioxidant properties which help to cleanse the skin and reduce the size of pores. It also maintains the moisture in your skin without altering the PH level, thus preventing further irritation. The reason witch hazel is so effective in skin care is because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. As we all know acne is typically caused by excess build-up and bacteria, by implementing witch hazel into your acne treatment it will eliminate this bacteria as well as preventing further breakouts and infection.
B,The anti-inflammatory qualities of witch hazel are furthermore enhanced by the existence of flavonoids, procyanadins, and resins, making this natural ingredient even more powerful. Witch hazel has the ability to reduce swelling and minimise redness as well as alleviate irritation which are all too familiar problems associated with acne.